20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
In 2013, Scotland resident Andy Donaldson was house hunting when he noticed a strange trend among the real estate listings he was perusing. Simply put, many of the listings he came across contained photographs so appalling that he could not help but see their comedic value. So he did what any normal, funny young guy would do; he started a Tumblr blog to feature the best of the worst real estate photos on the web.
Thanks to his great blog idea and witty captions, Donaldson's blog Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs quickly went viral and earned him a book deal. The book, Terrible Real Estate Photos: A Book Of The Most Baffling Property Photographs Ever Takenwas released in April of 2015.
What Were They Thinking??!
It's hard to believe that any decent realtor would ever choose these crazy pictures to woo a potential buyer! Here's a sampling of some of the most truly abominable proprty photos ever listed. Seriously, would YOU live here?
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
Maybe this creepy guy won't come stare at you while you sleep in your new home, but we can't make any promises.
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
There's something about this Rorschach test of a room that is making me feel a bit... claustrophobic.
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
It's good to have options, but this is ridiculous.
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
Crappy taxidermy not included in sale price.
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
Hold on, guys. I can't be certain, but I think this might be Photoshopped.
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
I said he lived LIKE a pig, not with one.
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
This place has everything I like in a bathroom: Tons of space for activities! Plus, of course, sexy (and odor-absorbing), mildewed carpeting (!!) from the 1970s.
Carpeting in the bathroom. **SHUDDERS**
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
This room just needs some throw rugs and colorful throw pillows to pull the look together.
And maybe an air freshener (or ten).
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
Oh yeah, that's not creepy at all. No sir. Perfectly not creepy in any way.
(Psst! RUN! Before the dolls see you!)
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
The garden could use a little TLC.
20 Hilariously Terrible Real Estate Photos
Rumor has it that this house is haunted, but we've never seen any evidence of a ghost.
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